2.2 Care for uncomplicated/mild disease

If the patient is determined to have an uncomplicated disease, place a surgical mask on the patient and place the patient in a well-ventilated single room with close monitoring.

Restrict the number of personnel entering the room. All personnel who do enter the isolation room should use the following PPE

  • Standard precautions (gloves)
  • Contact precautions (gown)
  • Eye protection (goggles or face shield)
  • Droplet or Airborne precautions (e.g. N95 mask or surgical mask)

Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from the ill person, limit the movement of the patient, and minimize shared space.

As needed, provide supportive treatment: antipyretics, analgesics, cough syrup, antihistamines, oral rehydration and +/- antibiotics.

Last modified: Thursday, 2 April 2020, 9:59 AM